Activity 2 - You Complete Me Direction: Write The Letters Inside The Box That Corresponds To The Wor

Activity 2 - You Complete Me Direction: Write the letters inside the box that corresponds to the word being describe. 1. male part of the flower 2. female part of the flower 3 group of petals 4. group of sepals 5. sticky part of the flower hold the stigma 6. transfer of pollen grains 7. reproduction by means of pollination 8 reproduction by means of vegetative propagation 9. flower with pistil and stamen 10.








7.act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma.

8.Vegetative reproduction is any form of asexual reproduction occurring in plants in which a new plant grows from a fragment or cutting of the parent plant or specialized reproductive structures, which are sometimes called vegetative propagules

9.Stamen: The pollen producing part of a flower, usually with a slender filament supporting the anther. Anther: The part of the stamen where pollen is produced. Pistil: The ovule producing part of a flower. The ovary often supports a long style, topped by a stigma.

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