Pa Help Po Neto Pls Po Brianliest Ko Kayo Po

Pa help po Neto pls po brianliest ko kayo po

  Similarities: extreme intelligence,Both have large complex brains, and a structure in their foreheads.
Family: family Phocoenidae.
Habitat: Cold waters, Temperate or tropical waters.
Food: fish, squid, and various crustaceans.
Differences: Dolphins have longer noses, bigger mouths, more curved dorsal fins, and longer, leaner bodies than porpoises. . The harbor porpoise has small pointed flippers and no beak. The dorsal fin is small and triangle-shaped.
Snout: The porpoise, regardless of the species, has a rather flat nose, and theres no beak that extends from its face. ———The dolphin, on the other hand, has a rather long and large nose, extending several inches from the rest of its face.
Length: Dolphins are also often longer, averaging about six to 12 feet in length. ———where porpoises only reach a maximum seven feet in length.
Travel: Dolphins travel in pods of up to 15. ———Porpoises can travel in groups of 20.
• di ko na po mahanap yung stripes yan nalang po:))
