How Will You Characterize Healthy And Unhealthy Personal Relationships? Why Do You Say So?

How will you characterize healthy and unhealthy personal relationships? Why do you say so?

How will you characterize healthy and unhealthy personal relationships? Why do you say so?

Relationships are made up of behaviors, and all behaviors can be characterized as healthy, unhealthy, or abusive. However, different people may have different reactions to the same behaviors, and what is unhealthy for one person may be abusive or healthy for the next. Relationships may consist of a mix of these behaviors, but they should be primarily positive. Examining relationships as a spectrum of behaviors allows us to examine both our own and our partners’ actions more objectively, and gives the opportunity to fix problems rather than ignore them. For example, an unhealthy attempt to gain power may be motivated by a sense of loss of control.

What do you want to choose a healthy or unhealthy relationship? why?

