"This Forms Property Tab Is Used To Specify What Mouse Action To Do When Control Is Used."

This forms property tab is used to specify what mouse action to do when control is used.

This forms property tab is used to specify what mouse action to do when control is used

You can transition between controls on a form in an Access desktop database by pressing the TAB key. The order in which the controls on a form respond to the TAB key can be specified. The controls on a well-designed form respond to the TAB key in a logical order, such as from top to bottom and left to right, making the form easier to use.

A command button on an Access form is used to initiate an action or a sequence of activities. You can, for example, build a command button that opens a new form. You build a macro or event procedure and attach it to the command buttons On Click property to make it do an action. You may also put a macro right into the command buttons On Click attribute. This allows you to duplicate the command button on various forms without losing its usefulness.

What does Mouse Over mean?


